About Us

FlexMyRent has been developed by the Centre for Responsible Credit Ltd. We are a registered charity with a focus on helping low to middle income households achieve better financial outcomes. Further details can be found on our website at www.responsible-credit.org.uk

We have been working with housing associations, including Optivo over the past two years to provide a way for social housing tenants to develop personalised schedules of rent payments for the year ahead and agree these with their landlord.

Tenants can underpay on the rent account when budget pressures are at their greatest and make overpayments in other months when things are relatively easier. Tenants can therefore use FlexMyRent to smooth cash-flow and avoid taking out credit at times when money is particularly tight (such as Christmas or during the long summer school holidays).

There is no interest, or any other fee charged to the tenant and we are committed to keeping it that way.

The design of FlexMyRent has been informed by conversations and research with tenants of Optivo Housing Association, and we are also working with IFF Research Ltd to evaluate the impact that it has for both tenants and their landlord. If you are using FlexMyRent you may be contacted by IFF Research and asked about your experience. We really appreciate any feedback you can give them.